Becoming a bat mitzvah is a big deal and very important because I am now a Jewish adult. Being Jewish means I am different from other people. Most people at my school are Christian and it makes me feel unique. If I wasn’t Jewish, I wouldn’t have gone to a Jewish Day School and I wouldn’t have met probably half of the friends I have today, and friends are really important to me!
Becoming a bat mitzvah means that I am becoming a more mature person, both in general and specifically in relation to my Jewish community. I have learned in preparing for my bat mitzvah that I need to act like I have already become one. It takes a lot of work and commitment and in order to do that work and make that commitment I have to be more mature and responsible than I have had in the past.
For my mitzvah project, I went to Friendship Trays and packed and delivered meals to elderly people. I plan on to keep learning and living with Judaism by going to services. I like Rosh Hashana services because it feels different from the rest of the year and I learn something new each service. And, I like hearing the shofar! I also like the Anne Frank Museum and Israel.
Grayce is the daughter of Richard and Marcia Sheinis. She is the youngest of three, sister of Holly and Ben. She is the granddaughter of Jack Sheinis of Boca Raton, Florida and Grandma and Grandpa Hamming, who live in Holland. Notes of mazel tov can be emailed to: