Hollis Collman

Parashat Sh’mini

Becoming a Bat Mitzvah is a huge milestone.  Because I’ve studied Hebrew and learned the prayers necessary to read Torah and lead services, I will be considered an adult in the Jewish community.  Through my years in Religious School and Sheva, I have gained an understanding of the meaning of this: responsibility.

Some of this responsibility I plan to take on in the next few years like going to Hebrew High, becoming a madricha to help out younger students, and keeping my attention on Jewish knowledge so that I can answer people’s questions about Judaism. Some adult Jewish responsibilities I have to make lifelong – attending services, being a good person, volunteering, and speaking up to make the world a better place.  I hope to go Israel to connect more deeply to the central place of Judaism and the Torah.  The biggest challenge I see for me is explaining Judaism to others.  However, I really want others to understand why Judaism is so important to me. I feel I have an extra special connection to God, and that I am different from others – something I fully embrace.

I was able to participate in services at spend some time with Jewish Seniors at a retirement center during my Bat Mitzvah preparation. I learned how important it is to stay connected to Judaism throughout life. I was moved by the pleasure the residents take in being together and sharing their common beliefs and heritage.

Hollis is the daughter of Jennifer and Jonathan, and the sibling of August and Everett. She is the granddaughter of Connie and Jerry Carney, of Cordele, Georgia, and Gloria Collman, of Raleigh, North Carolina, and Howard Collman, of blessed memory.

Please send e-mails of Mazel Tov to: jennifercollman@yahoo.com