Jack Potier

Parashat Bo

I am having a Bar Mitzvah because I’ve spent six years of my life studying in Hebrew School for this important milestone in a Jew’s life. I wanted it to inspire me to learn enough so that I can continue to practice Judaism throughout my life. The process of becoming a Bar Mitzvah has made me grow as a person. Throughout my Jewish studies and especially my Bar Mitzvah tutoring, I have learned responsibility because I’ve had to stay consistent in practicing my Hebrew and Torah. Also, I’ve learned about commitment to reach an important goal. I started at the Charlotte Jewish Preschool and have worked my way up to this moment of becoming a Bar Mitzvah. I’ve made great friendships along the journey and I couldn’t be more satisfied because all of the hard work we’ve put in is paying off. After my Bar Mitzvah, I want to become a B’nei Mitzvah tutor and go to Hebrew High, so that I can help other kids like me become a Bar Mitzvah. Being Jewish is something I know will always be a part of me and I am very proud of that.

For our mitzvah project, we made sandwiches and served drinks for the homeless shelter uptown. As I served drinks, it made me feel grateful for what I have and gave me a better understanding of the spectrum of life. I saw kids coming into the shelter who were not only in need of food and water, but they also seemed in need of a caring and healthy family. I shouldn’t take what I have for granted. I have a loving family that is always there for me and I will always be there for them. Through my mitzvah project, I fulfilled the mitzvot of feeding the hungry and helping those who live in poverty.

Jack is the son of Melissa and David. He is the grandson of Cheryl and Stanley Miller, and Kathy and Ron Potier. He is the sibling of Olivia and Rachel Potier.

Words of Mazel Tov can be sent to mpotier74@gmail.com.