Jake Kwiatkowski

Parashat Acharei Mot

I have spent most of my life preparing for this Bar Mitzvah. For most of my friends, I am the only Jewish person they know so they have no clue what preparing for a Bar Mitzvah is like.  I first started my religious education when I was 3 years old at the Charlotte Jewish Preschool. Since preschool, I have been going to religious school for the past 8 years, and now also Bar Mitzvah tutoring for 5 months.  I have learned to read and write Hebrew, how to chant Torah, and most of the prayers.  I had originally hoped to have my Bar Mitzvah in Israel but the timing didn’t work to have all my family there with me – which I have come to learn is most important.  Part of the reason also was I just didn’t want to have to stand up in front of such a large crowd.  Even though I am nervous, I am thankful to have everyone here with me today.  After my Bar Mitzvah, I will continue my Jewish education in Hebrew High. I am proud of being Jewish and want to continue to learn more about practicing my religion and advocating for Israel.

For my Bar Mitzvah project I am going to help my sister coach her Miracle Ball team, a program that provides children with physical limitations and other special needs the opportunity to play baseball in a safe, fun atmosphere.  Knowing the joy that playing baseball brings me, I look forward to helping others less-fortunate than I feel the same joy. I fulfilled the mitzvah of helping those with disabilities.

Jake is the son Michelle Bamford and Bill Kwiatkowski.  He is the grandson of Bob (of blessed memory) and Becky Bamford and Walter and Olive Kwiatkowski, of blessed memory. His sisters are Carly and Leah.

Words of mazel tov can be sent to shell5ski@gmail.com.