Jillian Arena

Parashat Vayishlach

Today I am an adult in the Jewish community. My Bat Mitzvah prepared me for this in so many different ways. I have studied for many years, attending Sunday School and Hebrew school weekly. I have accomplished many things that were new to me including learning to read Hebrew, studying the Torah, and really thinking about what it means to be Jewish. Now that I am a Jewish adult I plan to help my brother, Charlie prepare for his Bar Mitzvah, I will assist my Mom with the Jewish holidays, and continue my Mitzvah project by volunteering with Jewish Family Services. I hope to continue my Jewish education this year at Sheva, and would like to help the younger students as a madricha. Being Jewish means that I am unique and different from a lot of people, and that is what makes me special.

My Mitzvah project was helping out and volunteering my time with Jewish Family Services (JFS). I helped conduct Friday Shabbat services at some of the Senior centers in Charlotte. I also delivered Rosh Hashanah goodie bags, led a Rosh Hashanah craft where we made New Year’s cards, and snacked on apples and honey. I also participated in a Yizkor service on Yom Kippur and sang the Mi Shebeirach with my Mom. I chose to do this because most of the elderly residents don’t often have someone to talk to and they love to spend time and see someone younger helping out. I also helped Jewish Family Services with a project called Mitzvah Munchkins. This project teaches the preschool students about tzedakah (charity) and encourages them to donate food to the food pantry at JFS. I was lucky to work with some of our oldest residents and the youngest. My Mitzvah project helped me understand that there are many people in our community that Jewish Family Services helps and if everyone can volunteer a little time it makes a difference to so many people. I fulfilled two mitzvot (commandments) through my Mitzvah Project which was helping those in need, and respecting my elders by helping the elderly.

Jillian is the daughter of Allison and Paul, and the sibling of Charlie (age 11). She is the granddaughter of: Susan Udoff and Howard Udoff, of blessed memory, of Boca Raton, Florida; LuRuth and James Arena, of Durham, North Carolina.
Please send e-mail messages of mazel tov: allisonarena@yahoo.com