Joey Effren

Parashat Eikev

Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means so much to me. It is when I get to choose my way through life and my faith. It is my passage to becoming a Jewish adult. I choose to make Judaism important to me, to promise that I will value the traditions of my family and my faith. I will continue to make Judaism important in my life. I will attend services, participate in our family traditions for the different Jewish holidays and yes, I will even fast on the High Holy Days.

I will continue be study Judaism. I will attend Sheva and then Hebrew High to learn more Hebrew and to broaden my knowledge about the Jewish religion and the traditions that I will follow throughout my life. I would like to participate in teaching at the Hebrew school as a madrichah to help teachers teach to the younger generation at Temple Beth El. In the future it will also be important for me teach my own children about Judaism and what it means to be “Jewish.” Being Jewish means having something to believe in and being part of a family and community.

Joey is the daughter of Ruthanne and David Effren, and the sister of Dylan. She is the granddaughter of: Yvonne Amato, of Charlotte, North Carolina, and Jack Amato and Ivan Arenson, both of blessed memory; Donald and Sheryl “Shiffie” Effren, of Charlotte, North Carolina; and Cheryl Effren, of Stamford, Connecticut.
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