Jordan Brown

Parashat B’ha'a lot'cha

Becoming a Bar Mitzvah means that I will be considered an adult in the Jewish community. I am the fourth one of my siblings to have a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. This means that I am carrying on a tradition that is important to my family. This is also the 55th anniversary (to the day) of my Grandpa Larry’s Bar Mitzvah.  This makes today extra special to me.  In preparing for my Bar Mitzvah, especially in tutoring, I have learned to be patient with myself, not to rush, and that it feels great when you put in a huge effort and gain success. I hope to continue growing as a Jewish young adult by attending Hebrew High and participating in BBYO. Being Jewish means that I am a part of a long generation of Jews in my family and the world and I will carry on Judaism throughout my life.

For my mitzvah project, I will be participating in the MVP­–Mitzvah Volunteer Program at the Friendship Circle. I will be engaging in workshops that will give me more insight into the lives of kids with special needs, learning about volunteerism, and having the opportunity to make meaningful friendships. Both of my sisters have participated in Friendship Circle. It is an important program that has made a big impact on my sisters’ lives and many others. I am looking forward to the experience of participating in Friendship Circle myself.

Jordan is the son of Amy Seitlin and Justin and Rachel Brown. He is the great grandson of Lila Doliner of Charlotte, NC. He is the grandson of Stephanie and Larry Seitlin of Charlotte, NC, of Kathy Brown of Baltimore, MD, and the late Harvey Brown. He is the sibling of Josh, Mimi, Anna, Noah and Asher.
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