Kylie Menkin

Parashat Chukat

I am having Bat Mitzvah because I want to be an adult in the Jewish Community.  That is important to me because going to Hebrew School and services all these years should have meaning.  I am proud to be Jewish and want to carry on tradition.  It’s different from most people and I like being different.  I also like the holidays and the foods. I am proud to be having a Bat Mitzvah because it’s a big accomplishment.  I’ve learned how be more fluent in my Hebrew. I’ve learned more about Jewish history which is good because most of the kids at my school are not Jewish and ask me about Judaism.  I am considering being madricha, a teacher’s assistant, in the religious school because I like kids.

For my mitzvah project I decided to work with my mom to help a homeless man that sits outside my dance studio.  I believe that you should help people even if you don’t get anything good out of it.  Helping them should be good enough.  My new friend’s name is Mark.  With the support of the community we were able to keep him in a hotel for 4 months during the winter time.  We were able to fill out lots of paperwork and get him food vouchers and Medicaid.   My cousins David and Amanda told me about Urban Ministry and they are helping out, too, trying to get him a home.  I learned that everyone should be treated equally because you don’t know their life story.  Mark had a rough life for a while and because we simply bought him hot meals once a week we gained a new friend.  You never know where a new friend might come from.  Doing this mitzvah made me feel happy because it was kind of hard to see someone who has a tough life have no help.  I got to help.

Kylie is the daughter of Jay and Marni. She is the Great granddaughter of Ruth Menkin, granddaughter Drs. Alan and  Marsha Weston,  Dr. Allen and Lillian Menkin, Mr. Michael and LInda Snyderman, and Dr. Ann Falbo-Menkin.  She is the sister to Joshua Menkin.
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