Lindsay Strawser

Parashat Terumah

I am becoming Bat Mitzvah because I want to. My grandfather, my grandmother, my mother, my brother and my sister all became B’nei Mitzvah so I am following in their footsteps. I am proud of being Jewish. Being at Jewish summer camp is my favorite place to be. I love that we’re all Jewish. During the year, it’s the opposite. There are only four Jewish people in my grade. When we learn about religions in school, I know more than others. In studying for this service, I have learned a lot about Israel and learned a lot of prayers. After my Bat Mitzvah, I plan to continue to volunteer at Jewish Family Services. I plan to continue to come to Temple services (and sit in my favorite seat). I hope to be a madrichah in the Religious School.

For my Mitzvah project, I volunteered at Jewish Family Services. I volunteered at the food pantry. It made me feel lucky that I have enough food to get me through each week. I learned that not all people are fortunate enough to have enough food. I fulfilled the mitzvah of feeding the hungry and helping those who are poor.

Lindsay is the daughter of Amy and Todd. She is the granddaughter of Barbara and Bob Bernhardt of Charlotte and Ruby Strawser of Vale, North Carolina, and the late Graydon Strawser. She is the sister of Zach and Rachel.

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