Louis Iglesias

Parashat B’shalach

Having a Bar Mitzvah means that I am finally done with Hebrew school (just kidding). It means that I have to be responsible for myself, and be accountable for my actions. Sheva has brought me together with Jewish friends, and we learned more about Judaism. As a Jewish adult, I would like to continue to learn, not just about my religion, but also about other cultures and religions and learn how they differ from mine. I plan on going to Hebrew High and continuing to show up, once in a while, at services for Shabbat and the holy days.

I volunteered at the Regency Nursing Home. On my first day I met all the residents and got familiar with the home. Some people there rarely get visitors, so they were excited to have company. Everyone was really nice, and they have so many stories to tell. One resident was a singer and dancer on Broadway. Some residents were soldiers in WW2 and Vietnam. I will continue to volunteer at the Regency Nursing home – playing games with the residents and getting to know more about them. By visiting the Nursing Home and spending time with them I fulfilled the mitzvah of honoring my ancestors and those older than I am.

Louis Iglesias is the son of Louis Iglesias and Tina Iglesias, He is the brother is Tyler and Layla Iglesias (ages 14 and 9). His Grandparents are Stuart Schwartz and Lisa Giaquinto of West Islip, New York, Donna and James Grancio of Port Orange Florida, and Shirley and Raymond Iglesias of blessed memory.
Wishes of Mazel Tov can be sent to his mother at tinaji@aol.com.