Marcus Kirschner

Parashat Lech L’cha

To become a Bar Mitzvah means that I will have more on my shoulders, meaning that I will have more responsibilities. Now that I am a Jewish adult I plan to keep practicing my Jewish beliefs. I will also plan on going to Sheva, Hebrew High, and also youth group. To keep on practicing Judaism I will go to Friday and Saturday services. When I might have kids I will try to raise them Jewish so I can pass it on. I would also like to be a madrich and teach others. To me being Jewish is something special because here in Charlotte there are not a lot of kids in my school who are Jewish. Judaism is scarce here that is why I think it is special.

My mitzvah project was very special. I volunteered and was a golf instructor at the first tee of Charlotte over the summer. I also collected golf clubs for kids who can’t afford golf equipment. I chose it because I have a passion for golf and I really love it. What I got out of it was seeing what others don’t have. I have it so good that I may have taken it for granted, but what I learned is that you should never take what you have for granted. I worked on fulfilling the mitzvah of helping those in need.

Marcus is the son of Heidi and Steven Kirschner, and the sibling of Alexa, age 9. He is the grandson of Joan Kirschner, and Lewis Kirschner, of blessed memory, of Charlotte, North Carolina; and Gunnel and Richard Greenhagen, of Charlotte, North Carolina.

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