Max Koch

Parashat M'tzora

I am becoming a Bar Mitzvah because it represents that I have become mature enough to be an adult in the Jewish community.  Everyone in my family has become B’nei Mitzvah:  my uncles, my father, my mother and my brothers. It is a family tradition. I have learned how important it is to be Jewish and have taken in how I am different from everyone else. Most of the other people in my school seem to be Catholic and Protestant. It’s cool to be different. There aren’t many Jewish people down South.  After my Bar Mitzvah, I plan to go to 6 Points Academy which is a Jewish summer camp.  I want to go to regional youth events with NFTY-SAR.  Attending Hebrew High is hard because it is a long drive.

For my mitzvah project, I am working with Bright Blessings.  I am working on making a birthday party for a homeless student by making party-in-a-bag kits with party supplies, beverages, and a cake to share with family.  I am fulfilling the mitzvah of helping the needy by helping those who are facing challenging obstacles that are taking away their privilege and opportunity to have a birthday celebration.

Max is the son of Lisa and Philip.  He is grandson of Shirley Kamenetz of Greensboro, NC,  and Ann and Philip Koch of Greensboro, NC. He is the sibling of Alex and Jack Koch.

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