Megan Birenbaum

Parashat Yitro

I personally chose to become a Bat Mitzvah because of what it means. Not only does it signify becoming an adult in the Jewish community, but I believe it will make me a more responsible dedicated person in the eyes of those around me, and in my own. Judaism is a major part of who I am as a person and without it I would not be the same person I am today. Discovering other languages has always been an exciting experience for me. For my Bat Mitzvah I have not only been able to improve my Hebrew, but also discover new found meaning and importance in the words. After my Bat Mitzvah I would like to attend Hebrew High, and then become a tutor.

For my mitzvah project I volunteer at the free clinics at my barn. The clinics teach kids about the proper care of animals. I assist in lessons involving the feeding and watering of all the animals on the farm. I also teach things like clipping to the younger kids. Clipping not only teaches the kids a valuable skill, but also kept the horse, Willie cool and healthy. Helping in the clinics makes me feel accomplished knowing I assist in kids learning and the animals well being. I fulfilled the mitzvot of teaching children and being kind to animals.

Megan is the daughter of Jana and Marc. She is the sister of Zach. She is the granddaughter of Robert and Carolyn Birenbaum of Dallas, TX, and Carla Sherman of Dallas, TX, and Martha Washburn of Dennison, TX and the late Tim Washburn and Gary and Karen Adams of Alva, OK.

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