Naomi Biber-Bishop

Parashat Vayikra

My favorite thing about being Jewish is celebrating the different holidays and coming to services with my family. My family and I usually come to services the first Friday of every month, and then we go get ice cream. This has become our tradition, and we get to spend time together. Becoming a Bat Mitzvah, means to me that I am becoming a Jewish adult. I will be able to be more involved in services and traditions. I have enjoyed learning to read Hebrew and will be able to keep practicing and learning. Through all of the preparation for becoming a Bat Mitzvah, I have learned more about the blessings and prayers and what they mean. I am more familiar with our services and how to participate.

For my mitzvah project, my family and I cooked dinner at the Ronald McDonald House. I chose this project because I wanted  to help people and I like to cook. My older brother, Eli, did the same mitzvah project, and it’s nice that it’s something my family can do together. I have also helped at my old elementary school with their literacy program, and volunteered with my parents in the Temple Beth El gift shop. I feel good that I have been able to help others.

Naomi is the daughter of Caroline Biber and Chris Bishop.  She has 2 brothers, Eli and Aron, and a rescue dog, Bo. Her grandparents, Dan and Judy Biber, live here in Charlotte.  Messages of Mazel Tov can be sent to the Biber-Bishop Family.