Natalie Alexander

Parashat Sh’mini

Being Jewish is a very important part of my life and has shaped me to be the best I can be. It has taught me to respect my heritage, to make mistakes, to be kind and caring, and to help anyone and everyone I can. To become a Bat Mitzvah is a huge honor and I’m proud I have gotten this far. During tutoring, religious school and services, I have learned the importance of Judaism. Now that I will be a Jewish adult, I plan to continue learning and following Jewish customs and helping people in need. I want to keep volunteering, coming to services, and continue to learn in Hebrew High. I also plan to pass down Judaism and what I have learned to my future family.

I did several things that I enjoyed for my Mitzvah project. I visited the elderly at Sunrise, and played bingo with them and arranged flowers and chatted with all of them. While visiting the elderly, I was able to hear their stories and learn about their heritage. I really appreciated being able to visit there and I would love to go back. I also helped do Room in the Inn for the homeless. It taught me to appreciate what I have, and help the people who might not have so much. I look forward to helping make hamantaschen at Jewish Family Services. I feel happier with myself when I give back, and I want to continue doing that after my Bat Mitzvah. In doing these projects I fulfilled the commandments of respecting my elders and helping those in need.

Natalie is the daughter of Elaine and Matthew Alexander, and the sibling of Ethan. She is the granddaughter of: Barbara and David Wilson, of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and Hannah and Josef Alexander of blessed memory.

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