Olivia Potier

Parashat Bo

Becoming a Bat Mitzvah is something I’ve always looked forward to. I think it’s important that I am carrying on the Jewish traditions in my family. Also, I’m very excited to become a big part of the Jewish community here at Shalom Park throughout high school and the next several years. I hope to be involved in Youth Group, in Hebrew High, and be a madricha in tutoring. Over the past year, I’ve enjoyed going to services much more. With the knowledge I’ve gained from years of Hebrew School and now several months of B’nei mitzvah tutoring, I’m able to interact more in the service. Also, since I now know the meanings of the prayers, they mean more to me. I am so proud of being Jewish because I feel special, I’m part of a great people with so much history, and I feel that wherever I go and meet someone Jewish, we have an immediate connection and understanding of each other.

For our mitzvah project, we volunteered at Urban Ministry. We prepared lunch and served drinks for the people who came in. There was a very large amount of people there — men, women, and children. I definitely was not expecting to see so many kids there. It felt good to be able to help so many people have a good meal that day. This experience made me realize that not everyone is as lucky as I am, and I should be more careful not to take everything I have for granted. By doing this, I fulfilled the mitzvah of helping the needy.

Olivia is the daughter of Melissa and David. She is the grandson of Cheryl and Stanley Miller, and Kathy and Ron Potier. She is the sibling of Jack and Rachel Potier.

Words of Mazel Tov can be sent to mpotier74@gmail.com.