Parker Zhiss

Parashat Matot/Ma'sei

I am having a Bar Mitzvah so I can learn how to be an adult, how to act properly and how to be responsible. Becoming a Bar Mitzvah was important to my parents because my father became Bar Mitzvah when he was 13 and both my parents felt it was part of the tradition.  Over the past year of preparing, I learned a lot of prayers and Torah but the values and morals had already been taught to me. I am definitely glad I am having a Bar Mitzvah because I know that a lot of people don’t get to have one and I feel lucky to have the opportunity.  I am considering becoming a Bar Mitzvah madrich (tutor) after my Bar Mitzvah helping others to learn the prayers and Torah. I plan to continue on to Hebrew High. I am proud of being Jewish. I don’t encounter other Jewish people at my regular school so I  feel special to be a part of that minority.

I fulfilled my mitzvah project by volunteering at the Jewish Community Center’s Oasis Senior group. I taught a workshop on Scrabble rules and strategy and spent time talking with seniors about iPhones and origami. I had a great time with the Oasis group and plan to go back soon to see them again.

Parker is the son of Ron and Melissa Zhiss and the older brother of Maeli Zhiss. He is the grandson of Gene and Geri Zhiss and Art and Jane Hayes. He is the grandson of Pat Hayes, may her memory be a blessing. Messages of Mazel Tov can be sent to