Quincey Moreland

Parashat B'reishit

From blowing the shofar, eating apples and honey, family dinners of delicious food, to attending services, there are a lot of things I like about being a Jew.  Judaism encourages us to spend time with our families and celebrate in community. That’s what I love most about being a Jew.

Being Jewish means living with responsibilities: praying and worship, learning, living with mitzvot, and acts of kindness. Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means that I have more responsibilities in making decisions about my Jewish life. After my Bat Mitzvah, I am going to live a Jewish life by participating in Temple’s charity activities,  coming to services, and continuing to learn. The process of becoming a Bat Mitzvah, taught me that I can achieve by putting my mind and effort to what I am trying to accomplish.

For my service project, I chose Freedom School.  Freedom School is a summer literacy program for elementary and middle school students that need extra help. I think that getting an education is very important. I am very lucky to have the educational opportunities that I have and I wanted to help kids who are not as fortunate as I am.

My parents names are Lisa and Ted Moreland and I have a 11 year old brother named Nathan. My grandparents are Ann and the late Rick Lippe, from Pittsburgh and Ellen and Ford Moreland, also from Pittsburgh. Needless to say, we are a Steelers Family.
Words of Mazel Tov can be sent to Lisa.