Robert Gershen

Parashat Chukat

I am having a Bar Mitzvah because it was expected of me by my family and by the whole Jewish community. I am thankful I did it because it opened my mind to all new things about Judaism.  I learned a whole different language and how the different holidays work. I am proud of being Jewish and I am proud of being different from everyone else.   I hope to continue being part of the Jewish community by joining BBYO when I am older.   I plan to help educate my younger cousins on Jewish traditions and prayers during holidays.

For my Mitzvah Project, I will be working with my neighbor Mrs. Ferguson, who is a Guardian ad Litem. A Guardian ad Litem is a volunteer appointed by the court to protect the rights and advocate the best interests of a child involved in a court proceeding. The volunteer Guardian ad Litem makes independent recommendations to the court by focusing on the needs of each child. The Guardian ad Litem advocates for the best interests of the child they represent. A Volunteer Guardian ad Litem is an individual who is appointed by the court to advocate for children who come into the court system primarily as a result of alleged abuse or neglect. Mrs. Ferguson works with families who do not have very much money to buy even the most basic items. This summer, I will help her with a diaper and book drive to provide for some of the children she helps. This is important to me because babies cannot care for themselves and if their parents can’t then who can help them? That is why I chose to help a family with a newborn baby because they need help and I can help their family by giving them diapers so they don’t use their money on it when they don’t have a lot of money. I am fortunate enough to have things that other people don’t have, it could be as simple as a blanket or a pillow. Lots of families that I know have a lot of books that they have no use for anymore. These can go to children who are not able to get things that they would need for education. This summer, I will have a diaper/book drive in my neighborhood, Deerfield Creek (DFC), and will invite other neighborhoods to join in through I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with Mrs. Ferguson and help her with this need.

Robert is the son of Amy and David Gershen. He is the grandson of Paul and Elizabeth Nichols and Michael and Norma Gershen.  He is the brother of Daniel Gershen.
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