Sam Levy

Parashat Ki Tisa

Becoming a Bar Mitzvah means that I am a Jewish adult now. It also means I have passed a major milestone in my life. Studying for my Bar Mitzvah has been difficult with juggling school work, homework and activities. However, I always felt a great sense of accomplishment mastering prayers, finishing my Torah Portion, and finishing my Haftarah. Now that I am a Jewish adult I will continue to practice Judaism at my synagogue, at home and at camp. I hope to teach Judaism to my children and also encourage them to become a Bar Mitzvah just like my sister, my parents, my aunt and uncle and my grandpa and my papa. Being Jewish means being part of a small group of dedicated people that are just like me. Whether at Hebrew School, with my Jewish friends, or at camp, I always feel connected to the Jewish culture and religion. Going to Israel two years ago made me think and connect with my own history from all the way back to being slaves in Egypt to the present day Israeli -Palestinian conflict.

I fulfilled the mitzvah of helping the needy by volunteering with Bright Blessings. They throw birthday parties for children living in homeless shelters. When I was there I volunteered helping prepare food and throwing a birthday party for the children. It was quite an eye opening experience and made me think about everything that I normally take for granted. I hope I made a difference in their day but it is tough being in their situation. I will soon try to find even more ways to give back to the community and help more people in need.

Sam is the son of Kim and Adam Levy and the brother of Sophie. His grandparents are Stu and Ellie Bantit of Charlotte and Ruth and Joe Levy of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

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