Samantha Fine

Parashat Shof'tim

On Chanukah my family lights a “pooh bear” Chanukiah that I’ve used since I was a little kid. For me, the menorah is a symbol of what I love about Judaism. Judaism is a way to connect with my family and our people through our unique Jewish traditions. Our faith lights up our soul by mixing the modern world with thousands-year-old religious practices. How cool!

I am excited and thankful to see everyone who has made a difference in my life and helped me to reach this joyous occasion. Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means that I have a role both at Temple Beth El and in the lives of others as well.

Samantha Fine is the daughter of Katie Fine and Jonathan Fine. She has two older siblings, David and Allison Fine. She is the granddaughter of Sylvia and David Fine (z’’l), Lucy and Tom Butler, and Arthur Snead.
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