Sydney Abeshaus

Parashat Ha'azinu

I come from a family that is 100% Jewish on both sides. The process of becoming a Bat Mitzvah is something I have thought about since going to all of my cousins B’nei Mitzvah from the time I was a baby. I love that this experience connects me to other Jews. I am involved in the Jewish community through Hebrew school, and now Hebrew High. I am active in LIBERTY (NFTY youth group), and have attended URJ Camp Coleman for the past 4 summers. I hope to become a B’nei Mitzvah Tutor and stay involved with NFTY and camp.

For my mitzvah project, I volunteered for Jewish Family Services in three different capacities. I organized a food drive and collected 30 shopping bags full of groceries and toiletries for the JFS Food Pantry. I also worked in the pantry sorting and stocking donations. Lastly, I volunteered with JFS at Sunrise Assisted Living Facility for Shabbat services for the Jewish residents. Through these actions, I fulfilled the mitzvot of feeding the hungry and helping the elderly.

Sydney is the daughter of Jon Abeshaus and Rebecca Levy. She is the granddaughter of Nancy Levy and Edward and Ursla Levy, all from Bethlehem, PA, as well as Barry and Selma Abeshaus from Sarasota, FL. Sydney is the sister of Donovan.
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