Sydney Zolotorofe

Parashat Vayeishev

I am becoming a Bat Mitzvah because I have always wanted to, and it is an important milestone in my Jewish life. After attending a Jewish preschool and going to religious school and Hebrew school, it was natural that I’d become a Bat Mitzvah. Over the past six months, I have gained a better understanding of the themes and lessons in my portion and how to read and chant the Torah. I learned a lot of prayers that I didn’t know before, and from now on I can fully participate in services. I am proud to be Jewish. I love coming to Temple with my family on Friday nights, celebrating holidays, and of course, eating Jewish food. After my bat mitzvah, I am thinking of joining BBYO and maybe becoming a madricha, a teaching assistant, in religious school. I plan to one day raise my kids Jewish and teach others about Judaism.

For my mitzvah project, I worked with kids with special needs as a Peer Buddy at my middle school. Most of the kids have either Down Syndrome or autism, and a few times a week I go to their elective class with them and work with them one-on-one on a particular skill. We dance, make art, sing, and have fun together. The experience was very rewarding and I got to know each student really well. I will continue to do this program even after I become a Bat Mitzvah because I enjoy being with the kids as much as they appreciate having me there. I fulfilled the mitzvah of helping those with disabilities.

Sydney is the daughter of Nancy and Marc. She is the granddaughter of Nannette Zolotorofe and the late Lewis Zolotorofe and the late Arnie Rones. She is the sibling of Luke.

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