Tyler Diamond

Parashat Naso

Becoming a Bar Mitzvah feels like I am taking a huge step on my Jewish journey.  I have grown up with religious school in my life and it’s something to truly cherish and remember.  It has taken a lot of work, studying and driving, but it was all worth it.  I feel that I have gained a valuable education.  This year in Sheva, I have learned how to be Jewish in a social manner.  When I talk with other Jewish kids, there is an understanding of important lessons that the Torah gives us.  We share a history and strong connection. Now that I am a Jewish adult, I plan to continue my Jewish studies in Hebrew High. I can start tutoring in the Temple for kids who are becoming  B’nei Mitzvah.  I would love to go to Israel on the Birthright program.  I will continue to think about all I have learned in religious school, not only the lessons, but how to be a better person. I want to continue learning about Judaism…not just the history and language, but current events and whatever is taught in Hebrew High.   I look forward to certain Jewish holidays because I can say the prayers and share the stories with family, friends and non-Jews who are a part of the celebrations. Being Jewish means…to be different in a good way.  I feel lucky that I got “chosen” to be Jewish and I feel proud.

My Mitzvah project really isn’t a project.  Since my father passed away in 2008, my family and I have been Feeding the Hungry by donating to a local food bank in Indian Trail.   We have helped “stock” shelves for kids and people in need of food and everyday products.  We make sure there are enough presents at holiday times too! I chose to continue doing this Mitzvah because of my Dad.  He was an incredibly generous and giving person.  He always did good deeds and I think that he would want me to carry on his Mitzvot.  I feel that I have made a difference in people’s lives and have helped give them something that they can’t afford.  I love the idea of being charitable and giving to those in need.

Tyler is the son of Jodi Wendlinger and Mark Diamond, of blessed memory. He is the grandson of Richard and Helen Wendlinger of Boynton Beach, FL, and Herbert Suib of Woodstock, NY, and Judith Suib of blessed memory.
Words of Mazel Tov can be sent to jndiamond@me.com.