Board of Directors – Application for Nomination

Dear Temple Beth El Members,

Our Board nomination process is underway and we are looking for members who are willing to commit to be considered for nomination to our Board of Directors.

Temple Beth El is run by and for our members.  Each year, in advance of our Annual Meeting and in accordance with Article X of our Bylaws, we undergo a nomination process to present to the congregation qualified candidates to fill open positions on our Board. We are now soliciting applications from any congregant in good standing that wishes to be considered for nomination.

Assuming we receive more applications than available positions, the nominations committee will prioritize those candidates with skills, strengths, and passions that best align with the vacancies we are looking to fill.

All applications will be held in confidence and only reviewed by the Nominating Committee.

If you are interested, please review, complete, and submit your application by Friday, March 26 at 12:00pm.  

If you have any questions, please ask any Board member or email for a prompt response.

TBE Board Nominating Committee

Board of Directors – Application for Nomination

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