Building Community by Beth Di Nicola


Sometimes in life you need a community to uplift you. Sometimes you want someone to listen, someone who is in the same situation, someone who will be empathetic.

When I moved with my family to Charlotte in 2011 and joined Temple Beth El, I didn’t know anyone. I had lost my mother at the age of 61 to a degenerative neurological disease, ALS, and was now dealing with my mother-in-law’s diagnosis and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. It was a time when I felt alone and longed for a community of people who understood.

I started talking to temple members who, like me, were in the “sandwich” generation, worried about or caring for both children and parents or elderly loved ones. It was like an “invisible” illness, something people didn’t know about unless you mentioned it. I wanted to build a community for people to connect and uplift each other.

Working with Cantor Mary Thomas, we launched Temple Beth El’s pilot Jewish Living Group, “Club Sandwich”, in the fall of 2014. I vividly recall our first event held in the Polsky Beit Midrash. We asked people to introduce themselves and as they did, they shared their personal and powerful stories. Stories that other members, even people who knew each other for years, had never heard.

That day was the start of our small group building community. Over time, we have strengthened our connections through our Jewish faith by gathering at Congregational Shabbat brunch and services, at Havdalah and Potluck events at people’s homes, and at text studies with our clergy.

I have deep gratitude for the friendships I have made through Club Sandwich and I know now that once you reach out to build community, others will respond.  Because as we’ve learned – we all have stories to share and we long for a community that will both listen and uplift us.



Beth Di Nicola has been an active participant at Temple Beth El since moving with her family to Charlotte in 2011 and is currently the co-leader of Club Sandwich, part of the Baby Boomer/Empty Nester Working Group, and sings in the High Holy Day Choir. She creates community among women through her work as a SoulCollage ® facilitator, life coach, and artist.

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