Butterflies in my Stomach by Susan Jacobs, Director of Education


I am sitting at my desk in a panic because Religious School is only one week away. I can’t believe how quickly the summer has flown by. This is my fifteenth year and you would think that I could put the school back together in my sleep. You would be wrong. Thankfully, Tracey Lederer, my trusty assistant is always on top of registration and many of the other details that are necessary to get us off to a great start. But I feel a deep sense of apprehension and concern because I want to make sure that every year is better than the last one.

What are the new materials available? How can I make sure that we are on top of the latest technology and trends? What do I need to do to support the amazing faculty that we have at TBERS and how can I make sure that the new teachers feel at home and are ready to teach? It is an awesome responsibility and everyone connected with the school feels that pressure.

But what I worry most about is finding the words to convey how much I believe in our school and in the importance of giving Jewish children the best Jewish education we possibly can. I want every family to find community and feel that they are a part of something meaningful. Religious school is so much more than just dropping off your children for class.

We have a Religious School Committee that supports our school initiatives and organizes and implements social events, social justice and action projects, and teacher appreciation. They welcome our families on opening day and spend hours working hard to ensure that the school year ends with a Mitzvah Day that helps our community both in Shalom Park and the city at-large. On November 14, 2014, the committee has planned a Shabbat pot luck dinner that is open to all religious school families. It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Shabbat with old friends and make new ones. I hope you will join us for dinner and if you would like to find out more information about joining the committee click here.

Throughout the year there are many opportunities for our families to find a connection and a place to belong. There are grade level Shabbat experiences, parent class participation days, Holiday meals and services, Congregational Shabbat brunch and services, and so much more.

I can’t wait to see you all back in school this coming Sunday when classes begin. I also hope that you will take a few minutes to look through the school calendar you receive and find opportunities to come join our religious school family and enrich your experience.

On behalf of the entire Religious School faculty, staff and committee, I want to wish you and your family a healthy and happy New Year. By the way, we have a great Junior Congregation planned for all kindergarten through third graders.

Susan Jacobs
Director of Education

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