Call for Donations: Compassion in the Midst of Destruction by Rabbi Dusty Klass

Imagine, after going to bed for the night, waking up to the sound of screaming and yelling, the smell of smoke, and the sight of flames… somewhere nearby. You’ve just woken up, so everything is hazy, and you’re not sure how close the flames are, but you know something is clearly wrong. And so you groggily begin to move, only realizing part way out of your building that the building on fire is yours.

As most of you know, late Monday night, a three-alarm fire decimated an apartment complex in East Charlotte, destroying 40 apartment units and displacing 130 people.

Fire is a strange element. On the one hand, it is beautiful. The flames that we light on Friday nights transition our everyday work week into Shabbat, bringing peacefulness and rest. The flames of a campfire bring back wonderful memories of s’mores and folk songs. But fire is also one of the most destructive elements known to humankind. It consumes everything in its path.

130 people lost every physical thing they owned on Monday night. Let’s help show them that they have a community to support them as they rebuild.

Please bring clothing, shoes, personal items, baby and toddler supplies, as well as food and water to Temple Beth El anytime between now and the end of Shabbat services this Saturday July 22. We will transport all collected items to Crisis Assistance Ministries and New Hope Baptist Church.

Additionally, monetary donations can be made via Red Cross Disaster Relief: People can donate by visiting, calling 1-800-RED-CROSS, or texting the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation.

3 Responses

  1. Will drop items off tomorrow (Thursday ) afternoon. Does anybody need me to pick things up from their home and take to the Temple?

  2. I remember all too well that experience when our family’s home burned down when I was 13. All of us were in the house at the time & were so blessed that there were no injuries. Where can we donate clothes if not able to get to temple by sat morning?
    thanks for doing this.

    1. If you cannot make it to Temple Beth El by Saturday, please contact Crisis Assistance Ministry and/or New Hope Baptist Church directly to see if they are still accepting donations, and if so, their specific drop off times. We are fortunate to have a very generous community!

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