Celebrating Israel’s Contributions

One of the most powerful aspects of being part of the Jewish people is the connection we have to others across time and space. It gives me chills when I recognize that a particular ritual we are performing is described in the Hebrew Bible. For example, if our ancient Jewish ancestors were to see our celebration of Purim, they may […]

Finding Inspiration in Passover:  Resistance in the Face of War in Ukraine

More than a year has passed since Russia invaded Ukraine, resulting in a dire humanitarian crisis, displacement of millions of people, and tens-of-thousands of deaths. This war has left a lasting toll from the violence and destruction brought upon by Putin.   Shmuel Ha-Naggid, a Jewish statesman, poet, and military leader from 11th century once wrote […]

Restoring the Scrolls: A Tribute to Resilience and Renewal

The brutal invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis in 1939 was another dark chapter in European history. With the destruction of Jewish communities came the desecration of our most sacred Torah scrolls. But what happened next is a tale of courage and resilience that will inspire you.  In 1964, a group of Czech Holocaust survivors […]

Yisrael: Loving and Struggling with Our Homeland in Crisis

During my year in Israel, I participated in a program that brought rabbinical and cantorial students to small Jewish communities in the Former Soviet Union to lead seders and Passover programming. It was truly an incredible experience participating in Judaism through a very different lens. My friend Leah and I were sent to two communities […]

More Than Enough

This year, we will read the Torah portion Vayakheil-P’kudei on March 18th. In this parshah, men and women of special skill are called upon to craft objects for the Tabernacle. Those who weave or work with metals, among other skills, are entreated to use their talents to make magnificent the place in which God will […]

Finding Inspiration in Passover:  Resistance in the Face of War in Ukraine

More than a year has passed since Russia invaded Ukraine, resulting in a dire humanitarian crisis, displacement of millions of people, and tens-of-thousands of deaths. This war has left a lasting toll from the violence and destruction brought upon by Putin.   Shmuel Ha-Naggid, a Jewish statesman, poet, and military leader from 11th century once wrote […]

Celebrating Purim in the Shadow of Rising Antisemitism

Antisemitism is on the rise in our country, and it is a deeply disturbing and dangerous trend. In recent months, there have been numerous hate crimes targeting Jews in cities across the nation. A former president was seen dining with vocal antisemites after announcing his re-election campaign, and Kanye West (now known as Ye) has […]

Welcome Rachel Glazer, Assistant Director of Youth Education and Engagement!

Dear Friends, We are excited to announce that Temple Beth El will welcome Rachel Glazer to our team on April 13 as the Assistant Director of Youth Education and Engagement. For the past two years we have been involved in an extensive search process for a Youth Director to join our education team and oversee […]

Reflections from Sterling Elementary Volunteers

For more than ten years, Temple Beth El has been a proud partner of Sterling Elementary School through Charlotte Mecklenburg School’s Faith Community Partnership program. Many of our congregants volunteer with Sterling for various projects, including school supply drives, book donations, and more. As the second semester at Sterling Elementary begins, TBE volunteers shared thoughts […]