Turn It and Turn It Again by Cantor Mary Rebecca Thomas

Chag Samei’ach and welcome to the last official day of the holiday season of 5778! We have made it up the mountain of Jewish time that transitions us each year from one to the next. We started this summer with Tisha B’av, the day of collective Jewish mourning. Then we went through the introspective month […]

Sukkot is a Time for Rebuilding by Rabbi Dusty Klass

There’s a Grey’s Anatomy episode in which the main character Meredith says something along the lines of, “when the world gets really terrible, I go down to the nursery and stare through the glass at the tiny new babies, just coming into the world.” I thought about that yesterday afternoon as I watched our religious […]

Sh’ma Koleinu: Hear Our Voice by Rabbi Asher Knight – Rosh Hashanah Sermon 5778

We Do Not Need To Face This World Alone Rosh HaShanah Sermon – 5778 Something crumbled inside of me as I watched Charlottesville’s beautiful streets fill with hate-spewing marchers.[1] Protesting for the preservation of a confederate statue of Robert E. Lee, they carried swastikas and banners that read, “Jews are Satan’s Children”. And they chanted […]

Rosh Hashanah President’s Speech by Ginny Rosenberg

Bishop and I had the good fortune to visit Spain this summer. As our tour guide led us through the cobbled streets of the old Jewish quarters, time and time again, she repeated her remarks. “We are entering the Jewish quarter. No Jews live here now.” In fact, we didn’t see any evidence of Jewish […]