Passover is coming! Are you prepared? by Rabbi Dusty Klass

Passover is coming! Are you prepared? (Imagine an encouraging smile from me. Take a deep breath, and keep reading.) Don’t worry, I’m not ready yet either! There are so many ways to celebrate, and so many options for how we might choose to make the seder “our own.” Below, a definitely NOT exhaustive of some […]

TBE Youth- Impressive! by Sam Swire, Director of Youth Engagement

When I would attend NFTY events as a high school student I had the feeling that when I was at a NFTY event I was able to be my best self. The weekend of 3/24 through 3/26 showed the same was true for the youth of TBE attending our youth programs. Here in Charlotte, 30 […]

Saying Goodbye by Cantor Andrew Bernard

It started off like any other vacation. A crazy week of Shabbat prep mixed with a crazier week of travel prep. Friday night services and then rushing home to pack. Several pre-dawn cups of coffee on Saturday while wrapping up things at home and loading the suitcase into the car. An early morning swim before […]

More Than Enough by Cantor Mary Rebecca Thomas

Parashat Vayakhel, Shabbat March 24-25, 2017 In this week’s Torah portion, men and women of special skill are called upon to craft objects for the Tabernacle. Those who weave or work with metals, among other skills, are entreated to use their talents to make magnificent the place in which God will dwell, the place where […]

Join us March 31st for Teen-Led Shabbat by Cantor Andrew Bernard

One of the things I love most about Temple Beth El is the degree to which our teens assume responsibility for the work we do as a congregation. They are highly skilled and dedicated teachers and worship leaders. They are an integral part of many projects that benefit the community and are proud representatives of […]

Zachor – We Remember by Susan Jacobs

This week’s Torah portion is Zachor or Remembrance. It is the portion that is always read the Shabbat preceding Purim when we are commanded to remember the evil of Amalek and to eradicate it from the face of the earth. Haman was thought to be a descendant of Amalek and the holiday of Purim celebrates Queen Esther’s bravery […]

A Special Message from Rabbi Asher Knight

Dear Temple Beth El Community, Over the last few months, Jewish communities across the United States have been targets of vandalism, bomb threats, and hate crimes. Our beloved Charlotte Jewish community has been affected by this wave of terror threats. One of the scariest aspects of the last six months is that these threats have […]

Strengthening Our Connections with All Faiths by Rabbi Dusty Klass

When Temple Beth El first came onto my radar as a potential future workplace, I sent my father (who spent his entire career as a reporter for the Associated Press) on a mission: research this and other synagogues I was interested in, and report back with findings. One of the first articles he uncovered – […]