Day 31 of the Omer – balanced self-reduction

Tiferet in Hod – harmonious beautiful fine-tuned balance in smallness and grace.​

We know that we should embrace some sense of smallness, to self-diminish and withdraw to make room for the growth of others. This is called tzimtzum​ by the Kabbalists and they imagine the Infinite reducing in order to create. ​

Doing this well requires a light and balanced touch – too much space and growth isn’t cultivated, too much and it is stymied. A garden can easily be abandoned or over-attended – neither leads to flourishing growth or partnership.​

Hold values in mind, pause and reflect, and then figure out the right amount of tzimtzum​.​

The days of the Omer are diminshing – this is the 3rd day of the 5th week.​


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