DAYEINU! by Dr. Laura Bernstein, Executive Director

Like tens of thousands of Jews around the world, my family and I recounted the story of Exodus this week as we participated in the annual Passover seder.

It would have been enough to have been invited to one seder.  We were blessed to be included in two.

It would have been enough to hear our daughter recite the four questions only once.  We were blessed to hear her do it twice.

It would have been enough to eat traditional maror and charoset.  We were blessed to enjoy several unique recipes of these symbolic foods.

It would have been enough to enjoy singing a few of our favorite holiday songs.  We were blessed to sing rousing contemporary melodies as well as traditional melodies from our childhood.

It would have been enough to know only the people who invited us to their home.  We were blessed to know several people and meet new and interesting people both nights.

It would have been enough to listen to the story.  We were blessed to engage in healthy debate about how the story relates to our modern day.

It would have been enough to watch our daughter find the afikomen once.  We were blessed to enjoy her glee as she found it twice and proudly accepted her gifts.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss being with my extended family for Passover as every family has its traditions and I look forward to those each year. However, I must admit that being with our new Charlotte friends and their friends and family was a blessing to us this year.  And, speaking of those unique family traditions, no one minded that I put my hard-boiled egg in my soup, ate my gefilte fish with matzoh like a sandwich, and sang every song at the top of my voice.

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