Deepen Your Jewish Journey with TriBEs

Did you know our Temple Beth El family has grown to well over 800 families? While it is exciting to watch our congregation grow, we know that this size can sometimes feel overwhelming and we want every member to feel at home, connected, and fulfilled. In the wake of the terror attacks in Israel on October 7 and the subsequent war with Hamas, finding a Jewish connection is more important than ever. Whether it’s through our enriching senior Spice programming, the camaraderie within our Brotherhood, the joy of Tot Shabbat, or the heartfelt guidance and accessibility of our clergy, there’s a place for you here. We often hear that one of the most meaningful ways our congregants connect is through our small group communities called TriBEs. 

While TriBEs are only open to congregants, these groups offer something for everyone, no matter your interest or stage in life. You can read more about our TriBEs here. Below, we’ve highlighted a few of the newest TriBEs: 

  • Adventures of Empty Nesters is for couples between 45-60 who are adjusting to a newly empty nest and looking for new friends, experiences, and adventures. After years of spending their life focused on their kids, these couples are ready to meet new people, try new things, and explore the city. Meetings and locations will vary based on the TriBE’s interests and events they wish to explore.  

  • Movies, Mimosas & More is for anyone who loves movies of all kinds and would enjoy discussing them over brunch. Titles and venues are decided by the group and the genres and eras vary. Think mid-century through today, from “All About Eve” to “Zero Dark Thirty” and everything in between. The TriBE meets one Sunday a month rotating among members’ homes and local restaurants.  

  • The Carob: Environmental Impact and Justice TriBE is focused on recognizing our impact on the environment, making us better caretakers of creation, and leaving a better world behind us. This TriBE is equal parts learning, advocating, and volunteering and is open to anyone looking to explore environmentalism, naturalism, and climate Justice through a Jewish lens. We asked TriBE leader C.T. McGaha how the TriBE came up with the name and he told us this story based on a midrash in the Babylonian Talmud:

One day, Honi the Circle Maker was walking on the road and saw a man planting a carob tree. Honi asked the man, “How long will it take for this tree to bear fruit?” 

The man replied, “Seventy years.” 

Honi then asked the man, “And do you think you will live another seventy years and eat the fruit of this tree?” 

The man answered, “Perhaps not. However, when I was born into this world, I found many carob trees planted by my father and grandfather. Just as they planted trees for me, I am planting trees for my children and grandchildren so they will be able to eat the fruit of these trees.”

These are just a few of the diverse opportunities that await you in our TriBE community. Ready to embark on this journey? Visit our website to join an existing TriBE or start your own 

For more information or to turn your idea into a new TriBE, contact Nicole Sidman, Director of Congregational Life. 

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