Introducing the 2019 Elul Blog

Two years ago, we experimented with a project that now, three years in, has become a beautiful tradition. Our #ElulBlog invites congregants to reflect on a variety of questions that speak to themes connected to the High Holy Day season. Throughout this month, authors of all ages will share their stories on our website as a way of helping us all participate in the process Elul leads us through, a process of chesbon hanefesh, examining our souls.  

Join me in reading along, as fellow congregants share their stories – stories of what it means to listen to your soul, how to build relationships and what they look like when they are at their best, where we might find God in each other, and how ritual and spirituality play out in our everyday lives. 

And as you read, I invite you to do your own soul examination, using the questions below as jumping off points for your self-reflection.  

What has your soul been through over this past year?
What relationships have you built, strengthened, or said goodbye to?
Where do you find God in the “others” you are surrounded by every day?
How might the rituals in your life (both Jewish and secular) enable spirituality? And how might your spiritual connectivity likewise enhance the rituals of your life? 

Shanah Tovah! 

Rabbi Dusty Klass

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