#Je Suis Juif – I am Jewish by Rabbi Judy Schindler

Read as part of the Maggid –
after we say, “And the Lord heard our voice.”

Four Jews were murdered
and fifteen held hostage
in a Paris Kosher Mart
on the tail of the Hebdo attack
killing eleven and wounding eleven
cartoonists and journalists.

Terrorists trying to use acts of horror
to take away freedom of speech
and freedom of faith

As thousands came to the streets
they carried signs:
“Je suis Charlie – I am Charlie.”
Some shared the statement:
“Je suis Juif – I am a Jew.”

May we who are more sheltered and safer
from anti-Semitism
stand with them.

No matter where we are
may we proclaim proudly:

“Je suis Juif – I am a Jew”
and sing a Hebrew song
walking down the street.
The melodies of my people
(even if just ‘Bim Bam’)
are part of who I am.

“Je suis Juif – I am a Jew,”
may we say
as we stand for Israel
in the face of those
who condemn her.
The land of my people matters.
It is our haven and our home.

“Je suis Juif – I am a Jew,”
may we say
as we order our meal during Pesach
and ask for the bread to be removed.
The freedom of my people
is not only what I now celebrate
it is that for which I long
and for which I will fight.

“Je suis Juif – I am a Jew,”
as I was born
as I will live
and as I will die,
peacefully, I pray.

Je suis Juif – I am a Jew

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