Listen to your Soul Sing by Emily Lopez

Have you ever stopped to wonder how you came to arrive at a particular life moment? How did your soul guide you?  Did you let it?

I fell in love with my husband Fernando while living in Barcelona.  Had I not followed a karmic connection from years earlier back to Barcelona, had I not listened to my soul, there’s no way we’d be together today.

Recently, at dinner, we were talking about life – typical stuff – journey, goals – you know, and I shared, apparently for the first time in 15 years, that although I had a very successful career in education, I had never wanted to become a teacher in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong.  I loved working in a school and am very proud of all I was able to accomplish for many people.  Without those experiences, I wouldn’t be who I am today – and I wouldn’t change a bit of it. But when I took time to truly listen to my soul, I learned that the education system is no longer where I’m meant to be.

A little over a year ago I was faced with the dilemma (or what I would now call the opportunity) of finding my next career step. Despite the fear of the unknown, the risk, and implications for my family, I stopped, took pause, and spent a solid ten months listening to my soul.

I practiced yoga regularly and did things that made me happy.  I spent incredible time with my children, built a hobby and passion into a business I came to love, and allowed myself to reconnect with who I am today, not just who I was when I was forced to choose a major so many years ago.

As a result of those ten months, I now try only to say yes to the things that make me happy, have learned to stop feeling guilty about saying no, and have ultimately created a career path based on who I am today; the me that I hear when I get quiet and listen to my soul sing.


Emily Lopez came to TBE 4 years ago when she moved here with her husband Fernando and two children Daniel & Sofia. She enjoys being connected to many aspects of the Charlotte community, spending time with friends (most of whom she’s met through Shalom Park), and being a perpetual optimist.

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