A Message from Israel by Sam Swire

Our TBE group of 50 is having an incredible time here in Israel. This opportunity to fully immerse ourselves in the land that is both so important to our people’s history and culture has been an incredible bonding experience. We are bonding with each other and to our past and present.

Our first full day here, we visited the modern city of Tel Aviv to learn about the beginning of the modern state of Israel (69 years ago) and experienced modern Israeli culture. We then traveled north to the Golan heights where we learned about the battles in Israel which expanded Israel’s borders. We looked out across the border between Israel and Syria, explored former military bunkers and went on a fun Jeep tour.

Ben Feit, 9, said his favorite part of the trip so far was when we got to visit a modern orthodox village where they emulate what historic life was like, because he got to ride a donkey. Ethan Feit, 13, said that his favorite part was rafting in the Hatzbani river near our hotel in Kfar Blum.

And now we are heading south to continue our journey to Jerusalem where we will get to see some of our holiest sites and celebrate as 6 of our wonderful teens become B’nei Mitzvah! You can follow our journey by searching for the Hashtag #CLT2TLV on Facebook.


Wondering why you aren’t seeing Rabbi Knight in many pictures? He has been under the weather but don’t worry – he’s on the mend!

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