Mitzvah Day 2018 is Coming! by Rabbi Dusty Klass

Mitzvah Day is rapidly approaching — it all takes place on Sunday, May 6!

For our newer members, Mitzvah Day is Temple Beth El’s annual event in which we as a congregation perform acts of gemilut chasadim (acts of loving kindness) and tikkun olam (repair of the world) throughout Shalom Park and the greater community. In small groups, members of our congregation participate in projects ranging from putting on a carnival at Alexander Youth Home to serenading senior citizens to assembling first aid kits for refugee families served by Refugee Support Services.

Mitzvah Day is designed to engage our entire Beth El community — no matter your age or life stage, there is a place for you.  Even if you have not participated for a few years, please join us for a few hours on Sunday morning to make our world a brighter place.  Join us at 8:30 am for a bagel breakfast – we’ll kick off at 9:00 am with opening ceremonies with our Shir Kids Youth Choir, then we’ll divide into groups to do our projects.  It’s a great opportunity to visit with friends and meet new people while performing a mitzvah or two! And if you want to increase your volunteering throughout the year, Mitzvah Day is a great introduction to a new opportunity or local nonprofit that could use your time.

Watch for registration coming next week!

Not able to attend Mitzvah Day but still want to participate in tikkun olam on May 6?  No worries, there are multiple ways to help make the day a success by contributing time or items, all of which can be dropped off at the clergy office:

Special notes:

  • Old electronics and used batteries hiding in your house?  Bring your old electronic equipment (accepting both working and non-working!) to Mitzvah Day for recycling.
  • Interested in volunteering some time to make Mitzvah Day 2018 a success?  Contact Rabbi Dusty Klass to help. We’re already looking for people interested in planning Mitzvah Day 2019!

New this year: wrap up your day of good deeds with a Mitzvah Day Ice Cream Social, sponsored by the TBE Youth Engagement Committee! Stop by Temple Beth El anytime between 11:30 am – 1:00 pm to join in a casual picnic style celebration. Don’t forget your picnic blanket!

Questions?  Contact Rabbi Klass. We look forward to seeing you at 9:00 am on Sunday, May 6!

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