Modern Jewish Family! by Susan Jacobs, Director of Education

Today’s modern Jewish family needs a modern religious school.  The days of sitting at desks reciting the same Hebrew verses over and over are gone.  Religious schools are reimagining Jewish education and Temple Beth El Religious School is at the forefront.   We understand how imperative it is to stay relevant to our students and to offer them experiences that inspire each one to feel that they are part of a community that will always be with them.

Learning to read Hebrew and understanding prayer concepts and vocabulary is still an important part of our curriculum but its how we teach it that makes the difference.  We have creative and passionate teachers who find ways to make the content meaningful and approachable.  They create secure environments where students are encouraged to express ideas and to question anything and everything.  Our clergy plays a huge role in offering answers and acknowledging that there are many different ways to be Jewish.

Our curriculum is comprehensive and is supported by technology of every kind.  We recently added wifi to our classrooms. Students can use tablets, smartphones, apps, interactive whiteboards, High Def video cameras, the computer lab, laptops and projectors, online learning centers and any other new and innovative technology that will enhance our content and excite and engage them.

The point is that we are not that old Hebrew school! We are the school for the Modern Jewish Family and your registration packet is in the mail.

Want to see firsthand what we do? Check out TBERS!

One Response

  1. The video is superb! Wish I could go back in time and be in Hebrew School all over again.

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