Not Your Same Old Religious School by Susan Jacobs, Director of Education

Sometimes it’s hard to be a kid! Sometimes it’s even harder to be a Jewish kid! Attending religious school is a vital part of growing up in a Jewish family.  Who knew it was so challenging to learn to be Jewish?  After all, it requires more than just eating bagels.

At Temple Beth El Religious School we recognize that our children have many interests and obligations during the week. We also want them to have a solid Jewish foundation upon which to build a fulfilled, meaningful and connected Jewish life. That is why we are so committed to finding the most exciting educational opportunities and programs for our students and we are working hard to give scheduling options to make life easier for our families.

We are adding some new programs and opportunities for the 2017-2018 school year:

Tuesday Religious School Make-up Opportunity – Many extra-curricular programs are scheduled at the same time as Religious School. I have really struggled with this over the years and tried very hard to help our families find ways to be able to attend school and participate in their other activities. Sometimes the conflicts are just for a season and sometimes they are in conflict for the entire year. I know that our parents are genuinely committed to their children’s Jewish education and I want to be able to offer some flexibility that will help resolve some of these conflicts and will also insure that our students are continuing to make progress with their learning, so we are adding a Tuesday make-up opportunity. For additional information click here.

4th-6th Grade Retreat – Camp Thunderbird, here we come! On the weekend of April 13th-15th, 2018, all 4th, 5th and 6th graders will head to Camp Thunderbird for a weekend of adventure, worship and learning, connecting and community building. Led by Rabbi Dusty Klass and an enthusiastic and creative team of educators and madrichim, students will have a Shabbat experience that will be the highlight of the year.

PJ Goes to School (PJGtS), a companion program to PJ Library®, works with schools and educators across North America to bring Jewish values to life in your school community and Temple Beth El Religious School has been chosen as a PJGtS site


  • Is a values-based Jewish education initiative using PJ Library books with advanced pedagogy
  • Enhances the Jewish content of early childhood and complementary school classrooms
  • Helps build relationships for shared values between families and schools
  • Engages children, families, and staff in conversations about Jewish values
  • Provides educators with opportunities for professional development
  • Weaves Jewish values throughout each school’s existing programs

DISC – Our New Israel STEAM Curriculum – TBE Religious School will be adding a STEAM curriculum to our kindergarten – 4th grade program. DISC, Discovering Israel through STEAM Careers, is a cutting edge program that will give students the opportunity to explore Israel through a modern-day lens and a focus on Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). This program offers high interest topics for young students making it an effective vehicle to teach about Israel. The hands-on and creative approach will help students connect to Israel in a new and exciting way

Those are just a few of the changes and exciting new curriculum we will use to enhance our school this year.  We work very hard to make learning relevant and fresh and to take advantage of the many technological advances in Jewish education.

Ready to register?  Click here!

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