Our Judaism helps make the everyday better

We bring our families to Shalom Park and CJP knowing that Judaism is much more than going to synagogue once a week.

Each and every day we can opt to improve everything around us.

What are our first thoughts in the morning? Joy or exhaustion? Contentment or complaint?

Take a moment to offer a thought and a word of gratitude first thing in the morning, whenever we have given up on hitting the snooze button. See what it does to change the morning. It may take a few tries. Look at our loved ones and think, “I am grateful for my family”, and let those loved ones know that we are thankful for them.

We can transform our days that easily.

Things that we care about, like health and fitness, are things that Judaism cares about too. Our teachers were not only scholars with their heads in their books. We come from people who explored all dimensions of living better – rituals and learning are only parts of Judaism. Mental and physical health, daily practices that improve things in small increments – learned Jews have explored these ideas for centuries.

Take a small step of gratitude, make a better moment every morning.

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