Queen for a Day! by Susan Jacobs, Director of Education

When I was a little girl, my parents went to a Purim ball at Temple Israel and came home with the most beautifully decorated crowns I had ever seen. They weren’t the tiara kind. They were the big, royal, shiny gold kind, covered in jewels with a royal blue velvet poof on the inside. A lot like Queen Elizabeth wore at her coronation. At least, that’s what I thought at 6 or 7 years old and that’s how I remember them now. Those crowns became the staple of my annual Purim costume proudly worn for our religious school Purim parade. Purim was an event. The Charlotte Jewish community was so small in the early ‘60s that everyone was excited to celebrate together. The Purim carnival was an annual highlight with everyone’s parents volunteering to run the games and food booths. It was a happening.

I am nostalgic about those days. I loved making costumes for my children when they attended religious school. They loved seeing their Rabbi and Cantor dressed in ridiculous costumes and attending Purim services that were rowdy and fun. They really loved the Purim carnival and to this day, one of our funniest family stories is about the names Jessie gave the many goldfish she won at the fishing booth.

By participating in and celebrating our holidays, we created life-long Jewish memories that warm our hearts and brings smiles to our faces.

Happily, those are not opportunities that have been relegated to the past. We all have a chance to celebrate together on February 25. I hope you will join me but unfortunately, my crown is long gone. I will have to come up with a new costume!

Here are the details:

The Totally Rad ‘80s Purim Spiel!
Congregation-Wide and Appropriate for All Ages
Sunday, February 25, 10:30 am – 11:45 am at Temple Beth El
Conveniently timed so that you can join us and then head over to the Purim Carnival at the Levine Jewish Community Center

Hear the Purim story retold as never before by our very own congregants by heading waaay back to the ’80s! This totally rad Purim spiel parodies your favorite ’80s hits like “Thriller,” “Like a Virgin,” and “Little Red Corvette.” Throw on your finest ’80s attire, grab a scrunchie, a koosh ball, and a can of Tab and get ready for Purim! Kids will parade around the Blumenthal Sanctuary before heading over to the LJCC Purim Carnival.

**There will be no regular early or late Religious School classes to allow our students to attend the Purim Spiel and parade to the Purim carnival. Students must be accompanied by at least one adult.

One Response

  1. Great article about how the past influences the present. (from Richard Simmons)

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