Shabbat Across Charlotte

Shabbat is a cathedral in time, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel famously said. It is a palace of moments set aside for reflection, study, introspection, family, friends, and seeking God. A sense of Shabbat can be found inside of our Temple Beth El building, but also in our homes, at our dinner tables, in the way that we talk with friends and family, and in the activities who choose to engage in – or refrain from – on Shabbat.

The pandemic has reminded us that Jewish Living, Shabbat, and a sense of God’s presence are accessible to us even when we are not in the Temple Beth El building. The pandemic has also required us to develop skills that enable us to pray and learn, lead and teach from afar.

For the summer months, we have dedicated the fourth Friday of each month to Shabbat Across Charlotte, an initiative that will encourage each one of us to think outside of the box for our personal Shabbat experience each month. On the fourth Friday, TBE services will be offered online only via zoom, leaving space to encourage our community to invest in our home-based and creative Shabbat practices. Perhaps you want to plan a Shabbat dinner with your TriBE or other families from your child’s TBE Religious School class? Perhaps you want to take a hike and listen to services as you drive home from the mountains? Perhaps you want to join a member of our clergy team for an offsite Shabbat experience on these weeks? Yoga, nature walks, crafts, pool time, potlucks in neighboring communities are just some of the ideas in the works. You can choose to join together for a full service via zoom at 7:30 on these fourth Fridays. Shabbat Across Charlotte is about designing a personal Shabbat experience that is meaningful to you for the moment in which we live. It is about deepening your relationships and luxuriating in the palace that is time set aside for rest, renewal, and reflection.

  • An initiative in taking Shabbat outside of the Temple, outside of the box.
  • Services on these dates will be offered online via zoom at 7:30pm. There will be no in person services on these dates.
  •  At least one public, offsite Shabbat experience will be offered each Shabbat Across Charlotte
  • Resources for making Shabbat at home, including discussion guides for the weekly Torah portion, will be available on the
  • TriBEs, cohort groups, and individuals are encouraged to gather safely with other individuals for outdoor or indoor Shabbat dinners as appropriate for your group. We will assist however possible in helping you find people with whom to celebrate Shabbat Across Charlotte.

Please contact Cantor Thomas if you are interested in volunteering and shaping the Shabbat Across Charlotte initiative.


Friday, June 25 | 5:00pm-7:00pm | Kilborne Park, 2600 Kilborne Dr. 28205

Join Rabbi Klass at Kilborne Park in the Plaza area to bring in Shabbat and celebrate Pride Month! We will be based out of the park’s medium shelter. Feel free to bring blankets or chairs. Please sign up to bring something so that we don’t end up with 17 pasta salads (as much as we all love pasta salad), and bring an ingredient list with you so that we can label food properly. We will begin with Shabbat blessings, so feel free to bring your Shabbat candles and a Kiddush cup as well, if you would like!

Friday, July 23 | 4:30pm-6:30pm | LJCC Pool, 5007 Providence Rd. 28226

Welcome in Shabbat with a splash! Join Rabbi Klass and Rabbi Nichols at the Levine JCC pool with your swimsuits and flipflops. After time in the pool and at the splash pad, we will gather together to bring in Shabbat. We will sing a few favorite Shabbat songs, say the blessings and eat pizza. Pool time begins at 4:30pm by checking in at our table by the spray ground. LJCC members will use their card to swipe in. Temple Beth El will cover the cost for ​non-LJCC members to enter the pool area. At 5:30pm, as the pool closes, we will transition inside for the remainder of the event. The event is free of charge, but reservations are required to ensure we have enough pizza. This event is designed for families with young children. All are welcome.

Friday, August 27 | 4:30pm-6:30pm | Freedom Park, 1908 East Blvd. 28203

Join Rabbi Knight at Freedom Park for a summer Shabbat celebration for you and your furry friends! Rabbi will offer a blessing to your pets and popsicles will be served. Find us at the picnic shelter near the playground. Stop in for a few minutes or hang out for a while: bring blankets and chairs, a picnic, Shabbat candles and a Kiddush cup for blessings if you’d like! No pets required. All humans are welcome!

Popsicles will be provided by King of Pops!


Join us for our special Shabbat Evening Service during Sukkot for the Installation of Rabbi Beth Nichols.

Friday, October 22

More details will be shared soon.

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