- Community Organizing Core Team: Congregants who have been trained in organizing; focus on visioning & leadership development. Interested in joining? Please email lisatzedek@gmail.com.
- Issue Teams:
- Criminal Justice Issue Team – Held first Fair Driving Clinic in early 2020 (15+ TBE volunteers, 7 clients), held a clinic via phone in July (10 TBE volunteers, 15 clients). If you are interested in joining this effort, please visit our Fair Driving Clinic page or email fairdrivingclinicclt@gmail.com.
- Education Issue Team – Began film screening campaign in Winter 2019-2020 utilizing “Resilience” as a first step toward bringing trauma-informed teaching into community conscience and CMS schools; currently paused due to COVID.
- Housing Issue Team – currently paused.
- Race & Justice 2020: Four task forces that developed in response to recent events. If interested in getting involved in one of these groups, email lisatzedek@gmail.com.
- Safety and Security: Working to better understand our health and security-related safety needs at TBE.
- Internal Education: Building out immediately useful resources and opportunities for internal education and reflection, for use in anti-racist efforts.
- Potential Partnerships: Creating a plan to build deep relationships with BIPOC communities.
- Civic Engagement 2020 – Heading up TBE’s participation in the Religious Action Center’s voting campaign and anti-voter suppression work.
- Other updates:
- MeckMIN Faith and Non-Profit meetings: TBE is represented at these weekly meetings, which gather non-profit and faith leaders who are mobilizing to address COVID.
- Judah Benjamin marker: removed, thanks to great pressure from Rabbi Knight, TBE members, and other people across the city.
- Charlotte Area clergy conversations: Rabbi Knight and Rabbi Klass have been participating in conversations with city council members and other city officials.
Our Prayer in This Moment of Uncertainty
Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Ha’olam, Matir Asurim. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the Universe, who frees the captives. This prayer is