- Community Organizing Core Team: Congregants who have been trained in organizing; focus on visioning & leadership development. Interested in joining? Please email lisatzedek@gmail.com.
- Issue Teams:
- Criminal Justice Issue Team – Held first Fair Driving Clinic in early 2020 (15+ TBE volunteers, 7 clients), held a clinic via phone in July (10 TBE volunteers, 15 clients). If you are interested in joining this effort, please visit our Fair Driving Clinic page or email fairdrivingclinicclt@gmail.com.
- Education Issue Team – Began film screening campaign in Winter 2019-2020 utilizing “Resilience” as a first step toward bringing trauma-informed teaching into community conscience and CMS schools; currently paused due to COVID.
- Housing Issue Team – currently paused.
- Race & Justice 2020: Four task forces that developed in response to recent events. If interested in getting involved in one of these groups, email lisatzedek@gmail.com.
- Safety and Security: Working to better understand our health and security-related safety needs at TBE.
- Internal Education: Building out immediately useful resources and opportunities for internal education and reflection, for use in anti-racist efforts.
- Potential Partnerships: Creating a plan to build deep relationships with BIPOC communities.
- Civic Engagement 2020 – Heading up TBE’s participation in the Religious Action Center’s voting campaign and anti-voter suppression work.
- Other updates:
- MeckMIN Faith and Non-Profit meetings: TBE is represented at these weekly meetings, which gather non-profit and faith leaders who are mobilizing to address COVID.
- Judah Benjamin marker: removed, thanks to great pressure from Rabbi Knight, TBE members, and other people across the city.
- Charlotte Area clergy conversations: Rabbi Knight and Rabbi Klass have been participating in conversations with city council members and other city officials.
Miriam’s Wellcome
Miriam’s Well is thrilled to introduce Miriam’s Wellcome, a new initiative designed to bring warmth and connection to our Temple Beth El community. For those