Sterling Elementary Partnership Update

sterling-elementary-school-logoSterling Elementary School Partnership

This school year marks the eighth year of Temple Beth El’s partnership with Sterling Elementary School as part of CMS’s Faith Community Partnership program. Sterling Elementary, with over 750 students; 92% of whom qualify for free or reduced lunch, is located in Pineville, off of South Boulevard.

Volunteers are needed for activities both inside and outside of the classroom during the school year.

There are many ways you can help maintain and expand this successful relationship.

If you would like to work directly with students, we are looking for classroom volunteers for the following:

• Working with gifted learners in small groups
• Helping struggling learners with reading and math
• Developing vocabulary with English as a Second Language students

If you would like to assist teachers in ways not involving instruction, you could:

• Help the art teacher prepare materials for projects
• Make copies and laminate
• Assist the guidance staff with clerical needs
• Shelve books in the library
• Make bulletin boards and concert posters for the music teacher.

If you’d prefer to work from home, the school always needs items cut, pasted and stapled. We can deliver the materials to you and pick up the finished products for the school.

If you plan on working in the school, you will need to be a registered volunteer with CMS. Here is the link.

Please contact Kim Wilkoff (610-585-6473 or or Erin Ashendorf (704-609-0804 or with questions.

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