At Temple Beth El we welcome people exploring Judaism as an option, and Rabbi Judith Schindler carries on in her father’s teachings about doing so – check out an article that mentions Rabbi Alexander Schindler on the topic here:
Our Prayer in This Moment of Uncertainty
Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Ha’olam, Matir Asurim. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the Universe, who frees the captives. This prayer is
2 Responses
I recall Alex suggesting that the UAHC (now URJ) suggested opening Jewish reading rooms.
Excuse the solecism in the comment. It should say, “I recall Alex suggesting that the UAHC (now URJ) open Jewish reading rooms.” And I meant to add that I also recall thinking it was a good idea. People asked him whether he wanted us to go door-to-door seeking converts, but they misunderstood the difference between offering and proselytizing.