The Golden Rule

love photo
October 2014

Inspired by a Wednesday morning panel made up of representatives from the Christian, Hindu, Muslim, and Jewish faiths presented at Charlotte Country Day’s Middle School.

The last, the least, the lost, the lonely
Bound all of us by the thread of humanity
The more joy we give, the more we have
Honoring all we see:
earth, animals, humans, neighbors,
strangers, even our enemies.

Loving with all we have:
our hands, hearts, texts, compliments,
invitations, inclusion.

Love God…
the Divine dwells in all life.

Love others…
Do for your brothers and sisters
as you would do for yourself.

Love yourself… most of all.
It all starts there.

Creating good karma:
Good begets good.
Hurt begets hurt.
Blessings beget blessings.

May we love and live
so that our days and hearts
will be full.

One Response

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this….it is a beautiful reminder for the future we all hope, pray and work towards while also being soothing to ones spirit.
    Dennis Farley

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