The Plagues that Threaten Jewish Survival by Rabbi Judy Schindler

Read after the traditional plagues

These are the plagues that threaten our Jewish survival.
Some are cast upon us by outside forces
and some are self-afflicted

blending in so greatly
that we no longer know who we are
nor do our kids.

Jewish illiteracy…
not even knowing the questions to ask
in order to learn.

Not knowing and not remembering
our history of oppression:
Egypt, The Crusades, the Inquisition,
the Holocaust, and more.

Their clock and their countdown
for having capabilities to build a nuclear arsenal
that can destroy Israel and the free world,
ticking away.

ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, and more
threaten all non-Jihadists
no matter what faith they are.

Daily and global acts of hate
that intimidate, assault, maim, and murder.

attacks on Israel often serving
as a guise for Anti-Semitism

May we remember.
May we tell it to our children.
“Once we were slaves,
Now we are free.
Our liberation comes with responsibility
to ourselves and to others.”

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