OPPORTUNITIES by Cantor Andrew Bernard
I am sometimes amazed by the nearly infinite number of ways a person can express his or her Judaism. It’s easy to focus more narrowly
I am sometimes amazed by the nearly infinite number of ways a person can express his or her Judaism. It’s easy to focus more narrowly
As Jews, we have the advantage of experiencing many significant annual events twice: once as part of our Jewish year and once as part of
A couple of weeks ago I was in New York for the start of this year’s cantorial certification program where I teach Shabbat music to
Here we are, in the thick of our holiday cycle. Or perhaps I should say, here we are again, in the thick of our holiday
Every week we talk about letting go of our busy weeks and taking a break for Shabbat. Every year we read in the Torah about
Summer Services: A Welcome Change of Pace! With the arrival of Memorial Day, most of us are grateful for the change of pace. School schedules
Yizkor D’rash 5774 September 14, 2013 Cantor Andrew Bernard Of all the relationships we have, the ones with our parents might be the most complicated.
If you have experienced or witnessed an antisemitic incident in the Charlotte area, please report it using the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte’s online incident form.